Today was a sad day for me. It is probably the first day since I graduated from the Citadel, that I was ashamed to wear my ring. A ring I worked hard to earn-and usually wear with pride.
Why? Because it is disgusting to me, to watch legions of my fellow alumni, throw one of their own, CAPT Greg McWherter under the bus, solely to appease their own, pretty much flawed consciences. The comments have been brutal on the alumni boards I monitor. And in the depths of hypocrisy, many are from the same people who rabidly applauded his ascension to command as the first Citadel graduate to command the blues.
I'll spare you the details-they can be found at Phib's place. He has a good rundown on the case-and a copy of the investigation. He very ably points out much of the hypocrisy in it-and of the fine art, now being perfected, of assassination by IG.
Worth repeating:
You know I like words. Searching the document about poor performance of a Blue Angels CO and we have homosexual mentioned 18 times, gay 4 times, and the first clue, support officer 13 times. Safety 8 times.
He's been smeared as a sexist homophobe … all they left out was racist, but maybe I missed that.
In some ways, this is just another way to destroy the male oriented, warfighter, TACAIR culture. Tailhook was only the start – this has a similar genesis and is going to be used for the same agenda.
Ironically, the people who will be hurt most will be our female Shipmates – our fellow warfighters of all designators who know what the core of our business is, have a sense of humor, are secure in their womanhood, and as officers, are not going to break in to tears because they miss the drama of Middle School.
It doesn't take long to figure out that this huge frag pattern that, like Tailhook, will destroy the careers of many good people and was started by a female support officer. Which one? Hard to tell … but with googlefu, you can narrow it downto a few possibilities.
Not really important who though – complaining, weak, and entitled administrative burdens have always been with us. It is what the institution does with it that is important.
Is this proportional? Look it over and tell me.
There is so much, that is wrong with this investigation-and The Skipper has done a great job of documenting it. There are so many things that are wrong with this investigation. Lets ask a few questions shall we?
The Navy proactively issued a press release within 24 hours of non-judicial punishment, to include release of the investigation. Was that based on FOIA requests from the press or did they do it so they could control the narrative?
Is it possible the high-castrati discussed how this case was to be handled before it was handled? I’d bet my stock portfolio it was. That’s unlawful command influence, and it’s against the rules. Just ask General Amos.
Do you think it a coincidence that a nuclear submariner was appointed to lead the investigation of an elite squadron? Is that not like asking a pole-vaulter to evaluate a baseball locker room? They are both sports, are they not?
Why is it CNATRA is not doing the investigation? They are the first flag in the chain. And where was TRAWING Six in all this. If these things were as rampant as was said-I GUARANTEE you they would have heard about it. The Commodore was too busy to do some discrete counseling? I know Greg McWherter would have taken it to heart.
Why did the accuser wait fifteen months after the commanding officer left to lower the boom?
If you are flying at 400 knots and pulling 4 Gs in a rolling maneuver with a guy’s wingtip 18 inches from your nugget, do you think it might be helpful to bond with that person and build trust? Would you feel comfortable flying next to him if you knew he would stab you in the back and look after only himself as soon as he deems it warranted?
The investigation says that he twice inherited a broken squadron. What of those who broke it? They’re good, then?
This whole affair stinks, not the least of reason which, I know the final endorser in the chain. The irony of this whole case is rich- because anecdotally , I know he treated his own JO's like shit. But he got a pass for it. Greg McWherter on the other hand got thrown on the ash heap of Navy history.
Don't kid yourself, for all the high handed rhetoric about the Navy doing the right thing, it did not. It f*&ked one of its own for no purpose. This is clearly a case of where the service was spring loaded to f*ck someone at the drive though.
Look hard at the investigation. You will find what you need on page 16, paragraph 45. I should warn you that the investigation as published is incomplete-since it does not include any of the enclosures -and thus lacks context.
But context is not what Harry Harris cares about. He would throw his own mother under the bus if he thought it would improve his interests. As such, he is the typical flag officer in today's Navy.
PS. Here is what a pornkin looks like. It ain't that bad, Which is yet another reason why his accuser can suck a big bag of dicks.
Oh, and for my brothers who wear the ring? Just blow me you chickenshit bastards.