When do we get to blame the Iraqis?
I woke up this morning to see articles blaming the current situation on Iraq-on our failure to leave troops there. John McCain is living up to his reputation of never meeting a war he did not want...
View ArticleDid not see that one coming.
I sure did not expect to see Spain fold like a cheap suit in the first match. It just got its culo- well and surely kicked by Netherlands 5-1. On an unrelated note, legions of Croatian fans are...
View ArticleIt is that wonderful time of the year.
When one updates one's "brag sheet"-and gets a little counseling. Mine typically goes something like this.
View ArticleWhy couldn’t the NCAA do this?
I was going bash my favorite group of deluded people tonight, namely those who seem to think that after 8 years of effort, almost 5000 American lives wasted, and 5 times that number wounded-we should...
View ArticleSo much for brand loyalty
United Airlines this year-decided to say a cheery "fuck you" to its loyal passengers closing in on Million Mile status ( and thus lifetime Gold Membership) like me. They decided to f*ck me at the...
View ArticleWhat might have been…….
Newcastle Ale explores the possibilities: They may be on to something-celebrate alternate history on July 3, then celebrate real history on July 4th. Two parties, two hangovers-and a lot better cuss...
View ArticleMatch withdrawal
I watched USA get into the knockout round by the skin of its teeth. Losing a match to Germany that Germany controlled pretty much from the start. Living here in Germany, it was kind of like being a...
View ArticleAn open letter to Mr. David Green
For those who don't know, Mr. David Green, he is the worthless, religious zealot who runs Hobby Lobby. Today, in a decision that highlights just how political and out of touch with the law the Supreme...
View ArticleThe 140 character summary of the Hobby Lobby decision.
"This decision concerns only the contraceptive mandate" as i tweeted earlier, religion is now only about unapproved fucking — Atrios (@Atrios) June 30, 2014
View ArticleAnd we are back.
Spent the last five days in France. It was outstanding-especially as we went to visit the Normandy Beaches. Pix to follow over the next few days. So here is where I spent my 4th-no fire works, but a...
View ArticleRecent Reading
On the trip over to Normandy-I had forgotten to charge my I-Pad. So I grabbed a book from the shelf to read on the train. Boy am I glad I did. It was an honor to re-immerse myself in this book....
View ArticleSubmitted without comment-but worth your time
This appeared at Phib's place a week ago. It is so good and so much a commentary on what is wrong with my once beloved Navy, I had to post it here in it's entirety. Its worth a read-especially where...
View ArticleNever placing the blame where it belongs……..
Over at another blog, there is yet another tired old rendition of the refrain, "The surge worked-and Obama pissed it all away." Its a tiresome song that gets played over and over again, and the usual...
View ArticleWith clockwork precision
A mass shooting happens in America every three to four months or so. Charleston, home of my beloved alma-mater, took its turn in the barrel yesterday. CHARLESTON, S.C. — A white gunman opened fire...
View ArticleThe wrong people are winning
Well, now that really bad things are going on, its probably time for me to get back to work. I have a lot to say about a lot of things-but just can't seem to either find the time or the volition to...
View ArticleRecent Reading
Besides the volume of recent work, I have been deeply involved in several books recently. Not really an excuse for my lack of steady posting, but it did provide a different sort of diversion. Below...
View ArticleGoing Nordo.
Walking up the brow this weekend and going haze gray and underway. No wait a minute, the ship is white. How about , "Bright white and out of sight!"? Either way posting will be non-existent for a bit....
View ArticleThe power of how one uses language.
Over at Balloon Juice, Annie Laurie has found this interesting video that analyzes the way Donald Trump uses language and how he organizes his thoughts. Bottom line: Because Trump is a salesman more...
View ArticleOh about that GOP debate last night
You know Ted Cruz fucked up when he gives Donald Trump, that Donald Trump, a chance to be elegant. I'm no big fan of New York City, but Cruz probably wishes he had not broken out the dog whistles:...
View ArticleThe prodigal son returns
I'm back in shopping mall this week for a variety of reasons. Had some medical stuff done, did some stuff related to the S.O. Permanent Residence Card, and checked on my house. I also got to sit...
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